Saturday 31 December 2011

The Order of the Phoenix (In-Training)

In my last post I told you how: Ron, Sarah, Scorpius and I have restarted Dumbledore's Army (or the D.A.) at school because being the kids of Voldemort's destroyers and (in Scorpius's case) former Death Eaters, we felt that our Defense Against the Dark Arts lessons are not enough to protect ourselves (we sometimes call our selves The Order of the Phoenix In-Training). But great was my surprise when they all elected ME as leader! I think it was because I was the only Animagnus at the time. Now most of us are Animangus and our forms are:
Me = Cat
Ron = Jack Russel Terrier Dog
Sarah = Doe
Scorpius = Fox
James = Beetle
Albus = Wolf
Rose = Fawn
LuLu (Really Luna II Uncle George's oldest daughter) = Rabbit
Teddy = Well he is a Metamorphagus so any animal really.
The D.A./tOoftP(I-T) has been such a great help against people such as Daisy Goyle, The Blaise brothers, and other Slytherins (and sometimes Professor Slughorn to make his parties more, shall we say... Entertaing)
The Room of Requirement has been such an awesome help (and so has James's Map of Hogwarts and my Invisibility Cloak), its always stocked with books about Jinxes and Countercurses. Those of us whose Animagnus forms can blend in with surroundings of Hogwarts get to the Room of Requirement that way and the rest either go under the Cloak or (in the case of the Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws that are in the D.A.) give Filch the grumpy caretaker a Fainting Fancie in disguise.
Every meeting we usually first take a vote on what to practice (we are currently practicing Nonverbal Jinx, Hexes and Shield Charms.) then get into partners and practice. Then towards the end of the meeting everyone can take some books back to their dormitories until the next meeting.
Go to go Dumbledore's Army time!
Hermione Ginevra-Ronalda Potter (the Second)

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