Monday 30 January 2012

Working on a Post....

Hello my wonderful readers and followers, both Muggle and Wizard!
Sorry for the long delay in posting, I'm currently working on a quite long one at the moment though! You would not BELIEVE the amount of homework the Hogwarts professors have given us!:

  • A foot long about the History of the Moon in Magical Workings from Professor Sinstra (the Astronomy professor)
  • A report on the 1687 Goblin Rebellion of Czechoslovakia from Professor Binns (our ghost professor of History of Magic)
  • A 6 inches essay about how to properly create an antidote to Newt Fungus (kind of the Muggle Athletes Foot.) from Professor Slughorn (the Potions Master)
  • We have to keep a Bowtrukle (Wand Tree Guardian) alive for three weeks, from Hagrid, the Care and Keeping of Magical Creatures teacher.
  • We have to practice turning tea cups into daisies, from Professor McGonagall (the Transfiguration professor)
  • We must practice various jinxes that can be used to ward off Gnomes from Professor Munitio (her last name oddly enough means Defense in Latin!) the Defense Against The Dark Arts professor.
  • A stupid dream diary for Divination (Last night I dreamt about eating a popsicle and according to Professor Trelaweny that means that both my legs will be broken by Friday! Fat chance)
  • Continue working on improving this blog for Muggle use for Professor Ogblana's Muggle Studies class.
  • ANNND we've got a foot long essay about the safe use of fire starting spells for Professor Flitwick's Charms lesson tomorrow!!
So as you can see I've been rather busy, but the new post WILL be here by Thursday!!
Thanks for sticking with this blog!

Saturday 21 January 2012

Nice Saying I Found

I found this on a YouTube comment for Hedwig's Theme song (the Theme song the movies the Muggles made about my dad's life.), its really nice....

We found the Scorcer's Stone,
We entered The Chamber Of Secrets,
We freed The Prisoner Of Azkaban,
We were chosen by The Goblet Of Fire,
We united The Order Of The Pheonix,
We read the secrets of The Half Blood Prince,
We mastered The Deathly Hallows,
We are the Harry Potter Generation
When things look dark,
you can't give up,
No matter what

Monday 16 January 2012

Quidditch Part 2

Scroll down to see part 1

"Captains, shake hands." Madam Hooch -the Qudditch referee- said.
Hanson quickly shook hands with the Sytherin Captain, a large seventh year named Orion Green. I noticed they both let go quickly as if they were both infected. Madam Hooch blew her whistle and we were off.
I mounted my broom and kicked off as hard as I could. I began to circle the field looking for the tiny Golden Snitch while James's voice pounded against my eardrums.
"Its Malfoy with the Quaffle, brilliant pass to Longbottom, and back again. Oh darn he dropped it. There's Slytherin Chaser Cyle Blaise heading toward the goalposts. BLOCK IT HANSON! YEEESSS! Ten-Zero to Gryffindor!"
I did a loop in the air to celebrate. I noticed that Dad was watching me intently, as if he was remember his days as Gryffindor's Seeker. I couldn't help but wonder what Dad was doing here, but there was no time to waste. James's was now pratically screaming: "Longbottom to Weasley, to Malfoy and back again. COME ON MALFOY... YES! 40-0 to Gryffindor!" "James Potter, if you can't comment in a non biased form-" Professor McGonnagal's voice sounded through the stadium as she was standing next to James in the Commenter's Stand
Then I saw it. The Golden Snitch.
It was hovering around the Slytherin Goalposts, I made sure that the Slytherin Seeker -A fifth year named Daphne Rogers- was watching and raced toward the Gryffindor Goalposts. I kept one eye on the Snitch behind me and made a dive. Daphne followed me and just when I was about to hit the ground, I pulled up in a perfect Wronski Feint manuver. Daphne when hurtling to the ground with a CRASH. There was cheers from the Gryffindors, Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws, and boos from the Slytherins.
I passed Dad on the way toward the other goalposts where the Snitch was still handing around. I saw his proud smile turn into terror, as he and Hagrid (and all of the Gryffindor House) began shouting and screaming. I looked around to see a Bluger come hurtling towards me and then....
Everything went black............
"That idiot. I swear when I the next time I see Smith, I'm going to rip him limb-for-limb." My eyes fluttered open, and I became aware that I was in the Hospital Wing. I looked around, and saw Ron, Sarah, LuLu, Scorpius and Dad were sitting around my bed. "Do you think Hermione is going to be okay?" Sarah asked. "I think so. Well I know so, seeing as I'm alive." I said.
"HERMIONE!" Ron said launching himself from his seat over to me, giving me a rib breaking hug. "Ow! Get off! Of all the people for a twin, I ended up with a clingy overprotective one." I yelped.
"How are you feeling sweetie?" Dad asked handing me a Chocolate Frog. "Okay I guess, but happened and why are you here?" I asked biting into the Chocolate Frog.
"Well, I wanted to see your game, and I'm going to be a guest speaker for the Defense Against the Dark Arts classes this week." I love it when Dad comes to school and speak about the Second Wizarding War, and fighting Lord Voldemort.
"Oh and look at your hand." Dad added. I noticed that my hand was tightly clamped around.... The Snitch!
"Did we win?" I asked? "No, catching the Snitch never almost guarantees that we win." LuLu said sarcastically. "YES WE WON! Gryffindor is in first place for the Qudditch Cup and the House Cup! Dmitri Smith has been given detention for the rest of his life for that illegal Bluger attack, AND Honeydukes is having a sale next week on the Hogemeade weekend, I could start salsa dancing down the Great Hall and not care one bit!" Sarah squealed amid our roars of laughter.
Stay tuned for when I post about Dad's lesson. Which I'm late for. Bye!

Friday 13 January 2012


"Hermione." Someone said shaking me softly one morning, about a week after we had gotten back to Hogwarts. "Hermione.... AHHH! SCORPIUS HYPERION MALFOY, WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING IN THE GIRL'S DORMITORY!?!" Sarah's scanadlized yell made me spring out of bed.
A red faced Scorpius was standing in the doorway of the bedroom, looking as if he'd rather face a provoked Voldemort than Sarah right now.
"Er... PLEASE DON'T SLAP ME! Hanson just made me come up here to tell you to get a move on. The game starts in......."
I never heard when the game stared because at that second, a well aimmed One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi book hit Scorpius on the side of the head. There was a "OW" a stumble and he went running down the stairs to an explosion of laughter from all of Gryffindor House who heard what happened.
I laughed pulling on my scarlet Quidditch robes and shouldering my dad's old Firebolt broomstick. Sarah and LuLu were right behind each of them carrying a Firebolt as well (if you've read my dad's biography then you'd know that Firebolts a little out dated but still great).
We joined Ron and Scorpius downstairs, and together we headed out towards to Quidditch pitch.
There we met the team Captian Derek Hanson (a sixth-year) and the other Beater, a fourth year named Daniel Finnegan (Freya's older brother).
"Come on! Lets get a move on!" Hanson called over to us as we raced across the pitch.
"Ok team. Today's match is a BIG one! If we beat Slytherin this puts us up in first place for the Quidditch Cup! Now Hermione I want you to catch Snitch ONLY if when we are at least 40 points up. Do you think you can handle that?" "Yup." Okay, Potter, Finnegan, I want you two to knock-out as many Slytherins as you can... Yes Potter even the girls." "And Malfoy, Sarah, and LuLu, score as much as you can before Hermione catches the Snitch okay?" "Hanson, we get okay? Lets go!" Ron said.
"And heres the Gryffindor Team!" My little brother James's voice magically magnified across the field. There was whistles and cheers from about 3/4 of the stadium and boos and hisses from the Slytherins.
"OK there Team Captian Derek Hanson in the lead with Gryffindor Beaters Ron Potter (yes my prat of a brother, Sorry Professor, just saying), and Daniel Finnegan. Then theres the Chasers: Scorpius Malfoy, Sarah Longbottom and LuLu Weasley..... Annnnnd heres the greatest Seeker since my Dad Harry Potter.... Only joking professor..... HERMIONE POTTER!!!" I waved to the crowd and saw a fimiliar face sitting next to Hagrid. "DAD! Ron look its Dad!" Ron whipped around and waved his Beaters bat at Dad, who grinned and called something I couldn't hear.
"Captians, Shake hands." Madam Hooch

Wednesday 11 January 2012

Character Profile 5!

Here is the newest Character Profile................. Ronald Neville Potter!!

Ronald Neville Potter

Born: July 14, 1997
House: Gryffindor
Quidditch Position: Beater
Blood Status: Half Blood
Wand: Ivy, Unicorn Hair, 10 inches
Animagnus Form: Jack Russel Terrier Dog
Patronus: Jack Russel Terrier Dog
Boggart: Angry Twin Sister (boy was that funny on the day we fought Boggarts  in Defense Against the Dark Arts and it turned into me yelling at him for leaving a dungbomb in the bathroom!)
Father: Harry James Potter
Mother: Ginevra Molly Weasley Potter
Sister: Hermione Ginevra-Ronalda Potter (twin)
Brother: James Sirius Potter
Brother: Albus Severus Potter
Sister: Lily Luna Potter
Aunts: Hermione Granger Weasley, Angelina Johnson Weasley, Fleur Delacour Weasley, Audrey Weasley
Uncles: Ronald Bilius Weasley, William Arthur Weasley, Charles Weasley, Percy Ignatius, Fred Weasley, and George Weasley
Cousins: Rose Weasley, Hugo Weasley, Victoire Weasley, Dominique Weasley, Louis Weasley, Molly Weasley II, Lucy Weasley, Fred Weasley II, Roxanne Weasley, Luna Blair Weasley

Monday 9 January 2012

Character Profile 4

And now for Character Profile 4! (Skip down to see LuLu Weasley's Profile)........ Sarah Alice-Hannah Longbottom!

Sarah Alice-Hannah Longbottom

Born: August 4, 1998
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
House: Gryffindor
Quidditch Position: Chaser
Blood Status: Half-Blood
Wand: Holly, Dragon Heartstring, 12.5 in
Patronus: Doe
Animagnus: Doe
Boggart: Dead Family
Father: Professor Neville Longbottom
Mother: Hannah Abott Longbottom 
Sister: Clarince Longbottom
Sister: Clara Longbottom 
Friends: Hermione Potter, LuLu Weasley, Scorpius Malfoy, Ron Potter, Lorcan Scamander, Lysander Scamander, Cathy Wood, Freya Finnegan

Character Profile 3

Here is another Character Profile............ LuLu Weasley!

Luna "LuLu" Blair Weasley

Born: June 4, 1998
House: Gryffindor
Quidditch Position: Chaser 
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Red-Brown 
Blood Status: Half-Blood
Wand: Ash, Dragon Heartstring, 7in.
Animagnus: Rabbit 
Boggart: Murderer
Father: George Weasley
Mother: Angelina Johnson Weasley
Sister: Roxanne Weasley
Brother: Fred Weasley II
Aunts: Hermione Granger Weasley, Fleur Delacour Weasley, Audrey Weasley, Ginerva Weasley Potter
Uncles:Ronald Bilius Weasley, William Arthur Weasley, Charles Weasley, Percy Ignatius Weasley, Fred Weasley, Harry James Potter
Cousins: Albus Severus Potter, Hermione Ginerva-Ronalda Potter, James Sirius Potter II, Lily Luna Potter II, Ronald Neville Potter, Victoire Weasley, Dominique Weasley, Louis Weasley, Molly Weasley II, Lucy Weasley, Hugo Weasley, Rose Weasley,
Friends: Hermione Potter (cousin), Sarah Longbottom, Ron Potter (cousin), Cathy Wood, Freya Finnegan, Scorpius Malfoy

Sunday 8 January 2012

Charater Profile

I've decided to change Character of the Week to just Character Profile (so that, that way I won't forget in a  week to do one and I can just do them when I want.) So here is the next Character with the most votes.........

Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy

Born: March 4, 1998
Eye Color: Grey
Hair Color: White Blond
House: Gryffindor
Quidditch Position: Chaser
Blood Status: Pure-Blood
Wand: Ash, Phoenix Feather, 10.5 in.
Animagnus Form: White Ferret.
Patronus: Ferret
Boggart: Angry Grandfather
Father: Draco Lucius Malfoy
Mother: Astoria Greengrass Malfoy
Friends: Sarah Longbottom, Hermione Potter, Ron Potter, LuLu Weasley, Lucy Weasley, Lorcan Scamander, Lysander Scamander

Head on over to the poll to vote on the next Charater Profile!

Friday 6 January 2012

Return to Hogwart; Part 2

(Scroll on down to see Return to Hogwarts Part 1)
Slug Club Party........

"Ah Hermione, my girl! Lovely to see you again!" A fairly large man in a velvet smoking jacket boomed as the Potters and Weasleys, a Malfoy, and a Longbottom (Lorcan and Lysander weren't invited). 
"Hello Professor." I said "Ron! LuLu! Lucy! Scorpius!  Lovely to see you too!" Professor Horace Slughorn said shaking their hands, not noticing that he nearly crushed Ron's fingers. 
James grimaced at us from his seat, and Albus was sitting next to him looking like he'd give ANYTHING to get out of this. James best friend and our cousin Fred (LuLu's little brother) sat on the other side of James picking at what looked like petrified dog poo. LuLu's other sister Roxanne was in the Prefect carriage with Victorie's sister Dominique (lucky ducks).
"Come, Come have a seat." Slughorn said as he waddled over to the table, and with a flick of his wand the table was laid with purple plates and gold goblets. The the interrogations started....
"Hermione, Professor McGonagall has told me you have become an Animagnus! How'd you manage that?" "Er....Um..." I hesitated a moment not knowing how to answer without giving away the entire Order of the Phoenix In-Training. "I've wanted to be one since I read about then when I was five, and then I finally persuaded Professor McGonagall to show me how." It wasn't exactly a lie.
Slughorn looked kinda crestfallen as if he expected some story about how I fought off dementors, trolls, Inferi and Death Eaters, single-handily an then somehow turned into a Animagnus. 
"Ah yes, very interesting. Hows your Mum and Dad?" He spent 20 minutes questioning everyone in turn and then about what felt like 4,000,000 hours later he dismissed us to go get changed into our school things. 
Back at the compartment we had barely any time to get changed before the train slowed to halt at Hogsmeade Station. We gathered our things and placed them in a pile on the platform. 
"Firs' years this way!" Came the familiar shout as Hagrid the gatekeeper at Hogwarts, began to direct the terrified First Years towards the boats that would take them to Hogwarts. 
"Hello Hermy! How yeh doin?" Hagrid called and waved at me. Before I could answer however, we were all swept up in the crowd heading for what appeared to be horse-less carriages. But I knew they were pulled my skeleton like horse called Thestrals. I could see them, and Ron could too, because we saw a old Muggle man suffer a fatal heart attack when we about two weeks old. Mum tells us to be thankful we don't rememeber it... 
"Hello Forestine. I said to my favorite Thestral. She looked up fromt where she was hooked up a carriage and sniffed my hand. I stroked her head until a shout from the carriage made me jump. "Any day know Mione!" Scorpius called. "Coming!" 
I hopped on the carriage and we set off towards a new term at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Hermione Ginevra-Ronalda Potter (the Secon)

Character Profile 1

Here is the Character of the Week from Hermione's Diary..... And the first Character of the week is (of course)..... Hermione Ginevra-Ronalda Potter!

Hermione Ginerva-Ronalda Potter

Leader of: The Order of the Phoenix In-Training/Dumbledore's Army II
House: Gryffindor
Quidditch Position: Seeker!
Born: July 14, 1998
Eye Color: Blue-Green 
Hair Color: Red (and CURLY!)
Blood Status: Half-Blood
Wand: Williow, Phoenix Feather, 8 3/4 in.
Animagnus Form: Calico Cat
Patronus: Cat
Boggart: Dead Family and Friends
Father: Harry James Potter
Mother: Ginevra Molly Weasley Potter
Brother (twin): Ronald Neville Pottee
Brother: James Sirius Potter
Brother: Albus Severus Potter
Sister: Lily Luna Potter
Aunts: Hermione Granger Weasley (Namesake), Angelina Johnson Weasley, Fleur Delacour Weasley, Audrey Weasley
Uncles: Ronald Bilius Weasley, William Arthur Weasley, Charles Weasley, Percy Ignatius, Fred Weasley, and George Weasley
Cousins:Rose Weasley, Hugo Weasley, Victoire Weasley, Dominique Weasley, Louis Weasley, Molly Weasley II, Lucy Weasley, Fred Weasley II, Roxanne Weasley, Luna Rose Weasley, Luna Rose Weasley, 

Head on over to that niftey little poll and vote on the next Character Of The Week!!

Hermione Ginevra-Ronalda Potter (The Second)

Thursday 5 January 2012

Return to Hogwarts

"Hermione! Ron! James! Albus! Lily! Get down here! NOW!" Mum called yesterday morning. "Wheres my bag?" I called down from my attic room. "Here Miss!" A little voice squealed as Winky the house-elf said running up holding up my bag. "Thanks Winky. Okay lets see," I said picking up a list on my bed (I like to be organized) "Pygmy Puff? Check." I said as Arnold hopped on my shoulder, "Trunk? Check. Robes? Check. Books? Check. Quills? Check......" "Any time your ready Mione?" Ron said passing my room with dragging his trunk and his owl Geenda. "Well excuse me for being organized Mr. Messy." I snapped. "HERMIONE! RON! GET DOWN HERE NOW!" Mum screamed. "Here blood-traitor. I mean Miss Hermione, let me take your trunk." Our other house-elf Kreacher sneered. "Oh no thanks Kreacher, last time you did that you went to the bathroom in it." "HERMIONE THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE! IF YOU DON'T GET DOWN HERE IN 2 SECONDS..." "Coming Mum!" I said racing down the stairs my trunk in tow. 
30 minutes later......
"Okay through the barrier; James, Mione you first." Dad said. I looked around to make sure no Muggles were looking, then ran toward the wall between Platform 9 and 10. As Platform 9 3/4 materialised a blur of white-blond went crashing into me. "Ow!" My good friend; Scorpius Malfoy said as my trunk landed on his foot.  "Oh whoops. Sorry." I said lifting my trunk off his foot. "Clumsy Hermione at it again, eh?" My best friend Sarah Longbottom laughed. "More like Destructive Hermione." Scorpius said pointing at his foot which looked broken. "Can we use magic when we are on the Platform?" I asked "Yea." Sarah said. "Okay Scorpius hold out your foot." Scorpius looked skeptical. "Now." He held out his foot, I took out my wand and said "Episkey" there was a loud crack and Scorpius's foot returned to normal.
We all said good-bye to our parents, Lily, and Hugo (Rose's little brother.) "Stay safe, be nice and respectful to the professors, and DON'T get up to mischief." Mum called as the train picked-up speed. "Don't worry Ginny. I'll make sure they don't!" Teddy called pointing to his prefect badge. "Lets go find the crew." Sarah said, and with that we set off looking for the other Gryffindor Third-Years. 
We found them at the end of the train, doing an assortment of things. My cousin LuLu Weasley (Uncle George's oldest daughter) was attempting to make it snow with her wand, but was really turning her magazine (Witch Weekly) into a dictionary and back again. My other cousin Lucy Weasley (Uncle Percy's daughter) was reading what looked like a exceptionally boring book entitled: The Ministry of Magic for Teens. Twins Lorcan and Lysander Scamander (Luna Lovegood Scamander's sons) where each poring over a copy of the Quibbler, one had the title:
Is The Minister For Magic Really Minister? 
Or Is He Really A Wrackspurt Breeder?
(What you didn't know about Kingsley Shaklebolt!)
And the other was titled:
Nargles Are Increasing At An Alarmingly Rate!
(Will ANY Misletoe Be Safe?) 

"Hello!" Lucy said looking up from her book as her owl Velma came to rest on the storage rack. "Hiya! Scorpius do you still have that Love Potion? I need it for a prank on Professor Slughorn when he invites us to his stupid lunch party later, but Dad won't let me have any." LuLu asked her eyes twinkling mischievously "Yea I thought you might need it." Scorpius said pulling it out of his bag and handing it to her. "You got a Smuffled Forged Dumger in your ear, Hermione?" Lorcan greeted us. "A what? Um I don't think so." I said trying not to laugh. "Oh I thought I saw one in Lucy's ear a minute ago." Lysander said as Lucy clapped her hand to ear. 
"Everything okay in here?" Teddy asked waking in to check on us. "Yup!" LuLu said as she added the Love Potion to what looked like a bottle of dog poo. "Not even gonna ask whats in that." Teddy said eyeing LuLu's bottle. "Mind if I join you?" Teddy girlfriend and my older cousin Victorie said walking in her veela hair glinting in the sun light. "Oh no." Sarah said, because every single time Victorie comes near the boys they go into a weird trance, but she can't help it as she is part veela. And with out fail: Ron stared at Victorie as if she was the only thing in the room, Scorpius suddenly said: "Did you know I just invented a cure for Werewolves?" Lysander actually started drooling a little and Lorcan did a weird little ballerina trick that made us all stare at him. "I'll get them." I said. I pinched Ron, clapped my hands in front of Scorpius's face, lightly kicked Lorcan and yelled "HEY WAKE UP!" into Lysander's ear. The boys all snapped out of their trance and looking highly embarrassed all sat down and hid their faces behind books. "Well thats done. Oh dear..." Lucy said when she saw what Victorie had in her hands; it was the all too fimiliar green ribboned invitation to Professor Slughorn's comparment for lunch. "Oh yeah, sorry but I have to give you these." Victorie said laughing at the crestfallen look on our faces. "Teddy, I BEG you please scedule a Qudditch practice EVERY time there is a Slug Club party!" Ron said getting down on his knees and clasping his hands. "I'll try, but seeing as I'm not in the Slug Club, I might just have to enjoy watch you all learn some tolerance." Teddy said turning his hair to red and gold and then back to its usual teal. "Well, shall we go Victoire?" He said as he and Victorie walked out of the compartment back to the Prefects Carriage. 
At the "Slug Club" 
"Ah Hermione, my girl! Lovely to see you again!" A fairly large man in a velvet smoking jacket boomed as the Potters and Weasleys (Lorcan and Lysander weren't invited)

TO BE CONTIUED..............