Friday 6 January 2012

Return to Hogwart; Part 2

(Scroll on down to see Return to Hogwarts Part 1)
Slug Club Party........

"Ah Hermione, my girl! Lovely to see you again!" A fairly large man in a velvet smoking jacket boomed as the Potters and Weasleys, a Malfoy, and a Longbottom (Lorcan and Lysander weren't invited). 
"Hello Professor." I said "Ron! LuLu! Lucy! Scorpius!  Lovely to see you too!" Professor Horace Slughorn said shaking their hands, not noticing that he nearly crushed Ron's fingers. 
James grimaced at us from his seat, and Albus was sitting next to him looking like he'd give ANYTHING to get out of this. James best friend and our cousin Fred (LuLu's little brother) sat on the other side of James picking at what looked like petrified dog poo. LuLu's other sister Roxanne was in the Prefect carriage with Victorie's sister Dominique (lucky ducks).
"Come, Come have a seat." Slughorn said as he waddled over to the table, and with a flick of his wand the table was laid with purple plates and gold goblets. The the interrogations started....
"Hermione, Professor McGonagall has told me you have become an Animagnus! How'd you manage that?" "Er....Um..." I hesitated a moment not knowing how to answer without giving away the entire Order of the Phoenix In-Training. "I've wanted to be one since I read about then when I was five, and then I finally persuaded Professor McGonagall to show me how." It wasn't exactly a lie.
Slughorn looked kinda crestfallen as if he expected some story about how I fought off dementors, trolls, Inferi and Death Eaters, single-handily an then somehow turned into a Animagnus. 
"Ah yes, very interesting. Hows your Mum and Dad?" He spent 20 minutes questioning everyone in turn and then about what felt like 4,000,000 hours later he dismissed us to go get changed into our school things. 
Back at the compartment we had barely any time to get changed before the train slowed to halt at Hogsmeade Station. We gathered our things and placed them in a pile on the platform. 
"Firs' years this way!" Came the familiar shout as Hagrid the gatekeeper at Hogwarts, began to direct the terrified First Years towards the boats that would take them to Hogwarts. 
"Hello Hermy! How yeh doin?" Hagrid called and waved at me. Before I could answer however, we were all swept up in the crowd heading for what appeared to be horse-less carriages. But I knew they were pulled my skeleton like horse called Thestrals. I could see them, and Ron could too, because we saw a old Muggle man suffer a fatal heart attack when we about two weeks old. Mum tells us to be thankful we don't rememeber it... 
"Hello Forestine. I said to my favorite Thestral. She looked up fromt where she was hooked up a carriage and sniffed my hand. I stroked her head until a shout from the carriage made me jump. "Any day know Mione!" Scorpius called. "Coming!" 
I hopped on the carriage and we set off towards a new term at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Hermione Ginevra-Ronalda Potter (the Secon)

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