Monday 4 June 2012

Harry Potter Wins Best Cast and Best Hero at MTV Movie Awards!

Hey All!
Yesterday night Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part Two won two of the coolest awards I think a movie could win... Best Cast and Best Hero! I was disappointed that Daniel Radcliffe and Ralph Fiennes didn't win Best Fight, however. Oh well, at least Harry Potter won BEST HERO! I think we can all agree that by defeating the Darkest Wizard of all time, Harry Potter defiantly deserves that award!
Also seeing at the cast of Harry Potter was working together for almost 11 years, I am so excited that they won Best Cast!
Here are some pictures of Emma Watson (who played my Aunt Hermione) accepting the awards for Best Cast and Best Hero!

Emma even thanked Hedwig and Dobby! She is so sweet! What do you think about Harry Potter winning these awards? Do you think they should have won more? Head on over to the poll to vote!

Sunday 20 May 2012

Long Time No See!

Hey everyone! 
Its Hermione here! I've been really bust with a Quidditch tournament this week so I haven't been able to post! Anyway, I'm not sure what to do for my next post so head on over to the poll and vote! 
P.S. Stick around for quest posts bu LuLu, Sarah, Scorpius, and Ron!

Saturday 21 April 2012

Caption That Harry Potter Picture

What do you think Ron, Hermione, and Harry are saying and/or thinking?

I'll choose the winner(s) on Friday! 

Friday 20 April 2012

Hunger Games/Harry Potter Pictures!

I am a HUGE fan of the Hunger Games and I wanted to share some crossover pictures of the Harry Potter series and the Hunger Games, enjoy!

Saturday 14 April 2012


J.K. Rowling's fun interactive website, is now open to EVERYONE! Go here: to sign up! Its free and completely safe! 

Thursday 12 April 2012

Inside the Easter Egg

Hey everyone!
For all those who entered the Whats Inside The Easter Egg contest, thanks for entering!
So are you ready to find out what was in the egg LuLu and I found?!
Drum roll please!!!!
It was a mini model of the Easter Story! All the little figures moved around inside the egg as they acted out Jesus's crucifixion, and resurrection! LuLu and I sat mesmerized by it for almost an hour!
And heres the prize for EVERYONE that entered:

Just Copy and Paste it onto your blog!

Sunday 8 April 2012

A Wizard's Easter

"WAKE UP! ITS EASTER!!!" My little sister Lily yelled as she threw open my bedroom door.
"Wake up Mione! Its..."
"Yes I know, Easter." I said, putting on my glasses.
Lily giggled as she went running to my twin brother Ron's connecting bedroom.
"ARGH! LILY GET OFF!" Ron yelp sounded throughout 12 Grimmulad Place. I pulled on my bathrobe and slippers, as Ron came in giving Lily a piggyback.
"Would you two ladies like a brave, handsome, smart, young man to escort you to the kitchen?" He said, offering me and Lily his arm.
"Oooo is Justin Bieber here? I joked, looking around exaggeratedly.
"Wheres Justin Bieber?" Dad asked when we came into the kitchen.
"Nowhere, silly Daddy!" Lily laughed climbing into Mum's lap.
"Good Morning sweetie. Help yourselves to what ever is on the table!" Mum pointed at the stack of Cauldron Cakes on the table.
30 Minutes Later
I looked around Uncle Ron and Aunt Hermione's backyard, searching for Wizard Easter Eggs. Now, Wizard Easter Eggs aren't like those pathetic plastic Muggle ones full of bits of candy. Wizard Eggs have special charms on them to be able to fit ANYTHING you want inside! From HUGE chocolate slabs to Wizarding board games!
"You found anything yet?" I called to my favorite cousin LuLu,
"No, you?"
"Just one." I spotted something glimmering at the far end of the garden. I raced toward and and discovered a pretty sky blue egg partly buried in a gnome hole. A little gnome was attempting to pull it into his hole without anyone seeing him. I yanked the egg out of his dirty little hands, picked him up, spun him around and threw him over the garden fence thinking "Aunt Hermione will thank me for that!"
1 Hour Later...
12... 13... 14... 15! I had found fifteen eggs! It was better than last year when I had only found 8.
LuLu and I found a secluded part of the garden where we could open our eggs without the boy cousins and brothers trying to steal them.
LuLu and I opened our first egg together.
It was incredible......

What Do YOU think LuLu and I found inside that Egg? Leave me a comment and the person with the most correct answer gets a PRIZE!! Submit your comments by Wednesday!

Friday 6 April 2012

Video? And Happy Easter!!

Hey Everyone! 
I hope everyone had a great week! And Happy Good Friday! 
I'm  back a Grimmulad Place for Easter Break! I saw no one entered the Student Maker, but oh well!
Anyway, I was thinking I might make a video about me and my cousins and friends (the next generation of Harry Potter)! What do you think? Leave me a comment! 
I hope everyone has a great weekend remembering what Jesus did for YOU on the cross!  

Sunday 25 March 2012

Contest Time!

Hey Everyone! Its time for a contest!
So for this contest, I want you all to design a Hogwarts Student! Heres what you do....

  1. Create a Personality and Name
  2. Choose her Race, Eye Color, Hair Color, Ethnicity, Etc.
  3. Choose her House
  4. Choose her Age (Between 11 and 18) 
  5. And when your done go here: "" And design your Student
  6. Then Save your Doll and send it to me! 
  7. Make sure your done and sent by April 6th 
And then I'll post all the entries here and then YOU can vote on your favorites! 

Have fun! 

Hermione Potter

Sunday 18 March 2012

First day back at Hogwarts

Hey everyone! Hogwarts just had a week long Spring Break and heres how my first day back went......

I awoke to the sounds of birds chirping and a breeze rusting the trees of the Forbidden Forest. I quickly pulled the curtains of my four poster bed to find that all the other Gryffindor third-year girls -Sarah, LuLu, Cathy Wood and Freya Finnegan- were already up and dressed.
"'Bout time you got up Mione!" My best friend Sarah Longbottom said as her pulled on her cloak. I laughed and went over to my trunk. On top was a note from a little house-elf I know who works in the Kitchens named, Curly. "Welcome back Miss Hermione! Curly was wondering if Miss Hermione and her friends would like to come and visit Curly in the Kitchens Miss? If Miss can, leave a note on your plate after breakfast so that Curly can find it." 
I dressed quickly, stuffed the note in my pocket, swung my bag over my shoulder, and left the room with Sarah. "Come on. Ron and Scorpius are probably going to eat everything on the Gryffindor table before we get there." As we raced down the forth flight of stair, Pevees the pranking sort-of-ghost, started to throw dungbombs at us singing: "Potty needs to go pee! Longbottom needs to pee! Everybody in Hogwarts needs to peewee!" We managed to dodge Peeves by running straight though the Slytherin ghost the Bloody Baron. "OH YUCK!" Sarah squealed as we felt as if we had gone through a ice-cold shower. "Oh sorry so Bloodyness! I was only...." 
That was the last we heard of Peeves, as we yanked open the door of the Great Hall, and escaped inside. 
"About time you two showed up!" Our other best friend Scorpius Malfoy grinned as we plopped down next to him and my twin brother Ron. Sarah glared at him, as she spread butter on her toast. 
"What class you two have next?" Ron asked. "Double Divination, bladerdash." I said glancing at my scedule. "Us too." He said gesturing at Scorpius, who was know bickering with Sarah over the importance of correct wand posture. 
At Divination........
I climbed up the ladder into Professor Trelaweny's sticky, hot classroom about an hour later.
"Welcome, my dears!" Trelaweny's hoarse voice spoke from the shadows, as we settled into puffs, and armchairs around the circular tables, that today held beautiful models of the solar systems. 
"Today, we shall be consulting the Heavens and Stars for glimpses into your futures. Now, Miss Potter would you be ever so kind as to come up here and help me demonstrate?" 
I walked to the front of the room where a bigger model of the solar system stood on Trelaweny's desk. 
"Now dear, I would like you to point your wand at the model and say Dies
"Er.. Okay... Dies Natalis." 
The plants lit up and began spinning, and after about fifteen seconds they came to a halt..... And then Trelaweny let out a scream!
"OH DEAR! Poor, poor unfortunate dear!" 
'Well this should be good." I thought as Trelaweny steadied herself on her desk. 
"Poor child, the position of the planets, stars, and moons at the moment of your birth, signify that you shall soon suffer a most terrible death!" 
"Oh please. How many times have you told my dad that?" The words slipped out before I could stop myself. 
Many people in the room gasped at my boldness, you see, I'm kinda the quiet girl who hates attention, but is really outgoing among people I know. 
"Detention Miss Potter, My room 7:00..." 
"But Professor, thats Quidditch..."
"Silence, you are disturbing the Aura of the room! Class, you are all dismissed early, I have a rather bad headache." 
As my friends and I walked back to the Gryffindor common room, Ron congratulated me. 
"You sounded just like Aunt Hermione in Dad's biography!" 
"Shut up Ronald" I hissed
"Oh yea and who's gonna stop me?" 
"LEVICORPUS!" I cried pointing my wand at him in frustration and anger. 
Ron let out a cry of surprise as the spell magically flipped him upside down....

Well its been about an hour, I should probably go get Ron down! 
I'll post about my Detention with Trewlaney tomorrow (after it happens!)

Monday 5 March 2012

A Sorting Hat Memory

Hello Everyone!
This is the memory of the day I came to Hogwarts and the Sorting Ceremony.
I clutched my best friend Sarah Longbottom's hand, as we stood before a elderly Scottish witch, along with all the other new first years at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. 
"Welcome students, to Hogwarts, where you shall begin you magical education. When you walk through these doors you shall be Sorted in your Houses. While you stay at Hogwarts your House will be like your family, but remember.... There are no bad Houses, only bad wizards."
I knew Professor McGonagall was referring to Lord Voldemort - woops I mean You-Know-Who- who was a Slytherin whilst at Hogwarts, but everyone knows that ALL Dark Wizards were in Slytherin, so I guess there is such a thing as a bad (or at least a unlucky) HOuse. 
Professor McGonagall lead us through two HUGE wooden doors into the Great Hall. 
I looked up at the enchanted ceiling, which was glimmering with stars (it shows the sky above the roof kind of like a magical skylight.
We came to a halt in front of a three legged stool at the front of the Great Hall. A very old, battered wizarding hat sat apron it. 
Suddenly a rip in the Hat opened its mouth and began to sing:

Oh,you may not think I'm pretty,
But don't judge on what you see,
I'll eat myself if you can find
A smarter hat than me.
You can keep your bowlers black,
Your tops hats sleek and tall,
For I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat
And I can cap them all.
There's nothing hidden in your head
The Sorting Hat can't see,
So try me on and I will tell you
Where you ought to be.
Y ou might belong in Gryffindor,
Where dwell brave of heart,
Their daring, nerve, and chivalry
Set Gryffindors apart;
You might belong in Hufflepuff,
Where they are just and loyal,
Those patient Hufflepuffs are true
And unafraid of toil;
Or yet wise old Ravenclaw,
If you've a ready mind,
Where those of wit and learning,
Will always find their kind;
Or perhaps in Slytherin
You'll make your real friends,
Those cunning folk use any means
To achive their ends.
So put me on! Don't be afraid!
And you won't get in a flap!
You're safe in my hands(though I have none)
For I'm a Thinking Cap!! *

The Great Hall erupted in cheers as the Hat bowed to each of the professors, and sat very still. 
"When I call your name, please come up and you shall be Sorted into your Houses......" Professor McGonagall said unrolling a long piece of parchment.
"Alberts, Victoria." 
A tall blond girl sat on the stool and placed the Hat on her head. There was a pause and then.. 
"RAVENCLAW!" The Hat yelled, as the people at a table on the left cheered.
"Avery, Harold." 
"SLYTHERIN!" The Slytherins did not look very nice, I thought as smug looking Harold Avery sat down. 
"Bieber, Justin." 
"GRYFFINDOR!" The table on the right exploded with cheers as Justin sat down next to my part vela cousin Victorie. 
"Bhwar, Alexandra." 
"Daniel, Austin."
"Dallas, Dehlla" 
"Longbottom, Sarah." 'Oh dear', I thought as I watched the Hat fall  past her ears..... 
"YES!" I cried, as Sarah sat down next to Justin looking pale, but pleased.
More and more names went by until they came to the Ms
"Malfoy, Scorpius." Sarah, and I crossed our fingers for our best friend as McGonagall placed the Hat on his white-blond head. After about a full minute the Hat screamed.......
"GRYFFINDOR!" I jumped up and down squealing with excitement, even though we knew Scorpius would get a Howler (a yelling letter) from his father the next day, we couldn't help but be thrilled that he wasn't a Slytherin. 
I waited and waited until finally....
"Potter, Hermione." Professor McGonagall gave a little involuntary smile when she came to my name, but no one noticed as the Great Hall was buzzing with whispers. 
"As in Harry Potter?"
"Yes, didn't you know he had older twins that weren't in his biography?" 
"I can't believe it!"
"The Harry Potter's kids!"
As the hat slid over my eyes I saw that a lot of people where watching me intensely. 
"Well, well, well. We've got a Potter haven't we?" I small voice said coming from the Hat. 
"Never fear. I know exactly where to put you. 
The Gryffindor Table cheered sooooo loud that my left ear wasn't the same for a week. 
"Potter, Ron."
 I prayed harder than I had ever prayed in my life that Ron would be in Gryffindor with me. 
But my anxiety didn't last long because about a second later the Hat cried
I was thrilled as I watched my dad's godson Teddy shake Ron's hand as he sat down. 
By now the Gryffindors had taken up a chant of: 
"We got the Potters! We got the Potters! We got the Potters!"
Now that my worries where over I began to focus on the golden dinner plates in front of me. 
'How is the food getting here?" I wondered as 'Watersprout, Alice." became a Slytherin. 
Finally the last boy ('Zabini, Darius') was sorted into Slytherin.
"Now, I know you are all hungry, so announcements can wait for later. Eat. Drink. And be merry." 
I suddenly noticed that the plates had been filled with more food, than I had ever seen in my life (and that is saying something coming from a Potter/Weasley household)!
"I'm going to love it here." I thought as the first course was replaced with desert!

*Sorting Hat Song from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's/Philosopher's Stone."

Monday 27 February 2012

Sorting Hat Quiz!

Hello Everyone!
I found a VERY accurate Sorting Hat Quiz online. I know most of you who view this blog are Muggles and don't have a Magical Hat handy, but this quiz comes pretty close! 

I took this quiz and was Sorted into.........

 Where the brave at heart dwell!    

This quiz is pretty long (just warning you!) but extremely accurate! 
What House were YOU Sorted into?
Leave me a comment!

Sunday 26 February 2012

Funny Song Parody

Hey Everyone!
Heres a song parody of Victoria Justice's song Best Friends Brother. I turned it into a Harry Potter version and just pretend like in Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince when Dad (Harry Potter) was too scared to asked Mum (Ginny Weasley) out, because she was related to Uncle Ron! Hope you enjoy!

I floo you up when I know she's at home. 
I jump out of my skin when she comes to the fire.
Why can't I tell if she's looking at me?
Should I give her a smile?
Should I get up and leave?
I know it's strange, I don't know what I'm thinking
But is it wrong if I see her this weekend?
I really hope I can get her alone.
I just don't, don't want Ron to know.

Yeeaah Yeeaah Yeeaah Yeeaah!
My best friend's sister is the one for me!
Yeeaah Yeeaah Yeeaah Yeeaah!
A red head Weasley and she's 5 foot 3!
I don't want to, but I want to, 
Cause I just can't get you out of my mind! 
Yeeaah Yeeaah Yeeaah Yeeaah!
My best friend's sister is the one for me!
My best friend's sister. My best friend's sister.

I kinda think that I might be her type.
Because when you're not around, she's not acting too 
Sometimes I feel like she might make a move.
Is this all in my head?
I don't know what to do.
I know it's strange, I don't know what she's thinking.
But is it wrong if I see her this weekend?
I really hope I can get her alone.
I just don't, don't want Ron to know.

Yeeaah Yeeaah Yeeaah Yeeaah!
My best friend's sister is the one for me!
A red head Weasley and she's 5 foot 3.
I don't want to, but I want to, 
Cause I just can't get you out of my mind and 
Yeeaah Yeeaah Yeeaah Yeeaah!
My best friend's sister is the one for me!
My best friend's sister. My best friend's sister.
My best friend's sister. My best friend's sister.

Cause she's such a dream.
And you know what I mean,
If you weren't related.

Yeeaah Yeeaah Yeeaah Yeeaah!
My best friend's sister is the one for me!
Yeeaah Yeeaah Yeeaah Yeeaah!
A red head Weasley and she's 5 foot 3.
I don't want to, but I want to!
Cause I just can't get you out of mind and 
Yeeaah Yeeaah Yeeaah Yeeaah!
My best friend's sister is the one for me!
My best friend's sister. My best friend's sister.
My best friend's sister. My best friend's sister.

So how did you like it? Do any of you know of any Harry Potter Song Parodies? If you do, feel free to email or leave me a comment with the lyrics (or video), and I'll post it here!

Saturday 18 February 2012

Winner of Hogwarts Story Contest!

Hey everyone! I would like to announce the winner of my story contest! Katie and Madeline from Katie's Doll World


As I walked through the great Hallway I thought about Hogwarts. The transfiguration teacher, but now the Headmaster, had changed me from my doll form to a real live walking student. I passed a mirror, but then stepped back a step or two. I hadn't known my eyes were a ''piercing'' blue, or I had redish hair. I looked at myself for another minute, then tore myself away from the mirror. No time to lag. As I pushed open the giant doors to the Great Hall. First I stared at the mouthwatering food, then the students, and then Ms. McGonagall. ''Um...Hello, Ms. McGonagall,'' I said, hoping that was her name. The students at the Slytherin table snickered loudly enough for the table sited to the left of them. Ms. McGonagall took no notice of the laughing Slytherins. ''Katie Williams, here we call teachers ''professer''. I am Professor McGonagall to you,'' Ms., no, Professor McGonagall, told me. ''Katie will be a student for the day. Katie, go the Gryffindors for today. And I'm sure EVERYBODY will be kind to Katie!'' Professor McGonagall almost screamed as to be louder than the Slytherins. I hurried to get out of the ''spotlight''. ''Hello, I'm Lulu,'' a girl sitting next to me told me. Everybody started telling me their names, and I'm proud to say I can name everybody now. I tried to listen to everybody while eating the mouthwatering food. Some girl was talking about her pet, Arnold. Oddly enough, the plates of food kept refilling themselves, so I could eat as long as I wanted, which would be a while. A girl named Hermione with a younger boy, James, kept pulling me away. ''Honestly, if you want to miss Care of Magical Creatures, go ahead, but just tell us first!'' She said. I sighed. ''Alright. Where should we go?'' I asked. ''Follow me,'' she said, and practically raced down the hallway to a door opening outside. I tried to keep up, but having a girl play ''move'' your legs isn't walking. My stiff legs could barely keep up with Hermione. James had slipped off somewhere. When she suddenly stopped outside a hut, I ran into her. ''Oops, sorry,'' I said. ''It's okay, the professor should be out soon,'' she said. Slytherins were gathering around us, still laughing about ''Ms.'' McGonagall. Suddenly a great big professor stepped out from his huge hut. ''Hello! Time to learn some 'bout magical creatures, ah?'' He asked. He walked us over to the edge of the forest. ''Pick your Wood Fairies, mind not the head, and put 'em down on the logs. GENTLY! Draw a picture of 'em and see if you can label the body parts without me help,'' Professor said.
When I handed my picture to Professor, the Slytherins started laughing. Again. ''The ''arm''? Ha ha,'' said Daisy Goyle. I ran away, up to the castle, crying. I didn't know where I was going, but it was somewhere, far, far away. I ran into a empty broom cover and fell asleep. I'm not sure what time it was that Hermione found me, but all she said was, ''It's past dinner, but I brought you some food.''
She sat down next to me and showed me the food. ''Thanks,'' I said. When I finished she brought me up to the Gryffindor place. Then we talked and had fun, and I felt better. Over all, it had been a nice day. As I fell asleep in a chair, I dreamed of the next time I'd go to Hogwarts.

~Katie (With help of Madeline)


The next story contest is: My Magical Pet.

Saturday 11 February 2012

My Pygmy Puff: Arnold!

This is a picture of my Mum's Pygmy Puff Arnold, who she gave to me on my eleventh birthday so I could have pet to bring to Hogwarts (Ron got one of Aunt Hermione's Kneazle Crookshanks's kittens whom he named Fergus (don't ask))!

Heres Arnold! Isn't he CUTE!?

And heres Fergus! I LOVE this Kneazle kitten soooo much! (Heres an article about Kneazles

The other pets in my family include: James' owl Clark, Albus's ferret Gwenog, and Mum and Dad's owl Wally.
Do you have any Muggle or Wizarding pets? If you do leave me a comment! 
P.S. I forgot to mention this but for the story contest please just write one and either Share (if you have Google Docs) or copy and paste into an email. Please addresses the to

Wednesday 8 February 2012

A day at Hogwarts

Hello everyone! I may not have told you but I LOVE those Muggle Dolls called American Girl, hove any of you seen the new Girl Of The Year, McKenna? Now back to my diary......

I woke up on Friday morning to find Hogwarts covered in a fresh layer of snow. As I pulled my robes on, the rest of the girls in my dormitory began to awake.
"Morning everyone." Sarah yawned as she walked to her trunk to get out her clothes. LuLu was searching frantically for her Remembrall (small glass sphere that when you squeeze turns red if you've forgotten something). Cathy Wood was flicking through a Witch Weekly magazine, and her best friend Freya Finnegan, was umm...
"Freya, what are you doing?" I asked, watching Freya poking her Monster Book of Monsters textbook with her wand.
"I'm trying to Stun it but when I do that it just gets more vicious!" She squealed as the book tried to eat her foot.
"Here, Finite Incantatem." I said pointing my wand at the book. Immediately it froze and stopped moving.
"Thanks Mione!" Freya said stuffing the book into her bag.
Sarah, LuLu and I were the first Third Year girls to get to breakfast that morning.
"I'm starving!" Sarah said as we slid into seats next to Ron and Scorpius.
"Hey! I was going to eat that!" Ron said as I took a piece of toast he was reaching for.
"I'm older than you, so ha!" I grinned.
"By what two minutes!?"
 "Oh stop squabbling you two. Whats our first class?" Scorpius said glancing at LuLu's schedule. "Hmmm, lets see Divination, oh drat. I knew I forgot something. See you guys there, I've got to go get that silly Dream Diary." LuLu called over her shoulder as she raced out of the Hall.
"If only LuLu could remember her Remembrall than she wouldn't be so forgetful.... ARGH!" Ron shouted as something green came out of his scrambled eggs and on his face.
"Mr. Potter, why are you yelling?" The Charms Professor Flitwick asked coming over to the Gryffindor table.
"My little brother James jinxed these eggs to squirt.... What ever this stuff is..... All over me!" I heard James and our cousin Fred (the second) sniggering over at the other end of the Gryffindor Table. Needless to say, James and Fred both got detentions and James got a Howler from Mum the next day.
At Divination.....
"Welcome Students, to another day of consulting the Heavens, unfogging the Future....." "Why can't she just shut up and teach us something!" Sarah whispered as Professor Trelaweny began her usual monologue.
"Now students, today we are going to begin the art of the Crystal Ball. Now I wanted each of you to first turn in your Dream Diaries and then gaze into the Crystal Ball in front of you and confront your fate!" The room was sticky with the heat from the magically perfumed fire, that constantly made me sleepy. I gave my Dream Diary to Trelaweny as she came by, then started staring into the fuzzy crystal ball.
"My dears, what do you see? Ah yes Mr. Scamander?"
"I see a Blibbering Humdinger migration!" Everyone turned and stared at Lorcan for a minute until Sarah pipped...
"I think its going to be really foggy Professor!" Sarah got 100 lines of: I will not make jokes about the noble art of Divination.
Sarah complained all the way to Potions.
 "I was being serious! All I saw was fog! You guys believe me right?"
"No." We all said laughing.
"Well lets brace ourselves fro Slughorn, get ready for more party invitations! Hanson has a practice tonight right?" Scorpius said with a grimace. In case you didn't know, Professor Slughorn the Potions Master has this habit of inviting Ron and me to his ridiculous "Slug Club" parties just because we are the Harry Potter's eldest children. And because LuLu, Sarah and Scorpius are our best friends they get invited too.
After we all sat down and had set up our cauldrons and scales. Slughorn addressed us all
"Welcome back to Potions. Today we are going to attempt (his eyes swiveled toward Daisy Goyle who is so horrible at Potions she should be banned from it), to create the Hiccuping Potion. Please open your books to page 394 and begin." We all set to work on our potions, and soon the room was filled with a bluish haze that made everyone start hiccuping like mad. Then there was a BANG...
"MISS GOYLE! WHAT ON EARTH HAVE YOU DONE!" Everyone looked over at Daisy to find her and everyone near her covered in what looked like baby barf.
"Did you even READ the directions?! Twenty points from Slytherin, yes Miss Goyle my own House!" Slughorn was so annoyed he even forgot to invite Ron and I to a Slug Club party. We all raced out of the dungeons as quick as we could, only stopping to check our schedules.
"Oh goodie its Transfiguration next! Animagus time!" LuLu said, as today Ron, Sarah, Scorpius, LuLu, Lorcan, Lysander, and I were going to show the class our Animagus forms (we are the youngest Animaguses ever!).
At Transfiguration.....
"Class, settle down please!" My favorite teacher who also happens to the Headmistress of Hogwarts said, using her gift of getting an entire class quite in seconds.
"Now if would please focus your attention on the students in front of me," Professor Minerva McGonagal said sitting at her desk and focusing her own attention on, Ron, Sarah, LuLu, Scorpius, Lorcan, Lysander, and I.
I closed my eyes and felt the transformation take place, when I opened my eyes I was four feet shorter and felt very furry. I looked over at Scorpius next to me and saw just a white ferret watching the two identical rabbits that were Lorcan, and Lysander, who in turn were watching LuLu coo in her dove form, who was then watching the brown terrier that was Ron, who was then watch Sarah the doe.
"WOW!" The class said as we Transformed back into our original selves.
"That was outstanding children!" She quickly counted each of us at the front, "70 points to Gryffindor (ten for each you)!" The Gryffindor half of the class clapped and whistled as we sat down, while the Hufflepuffs only lightly clapped but look sour about how many point we had just gotten.

Later that night as I prepared for bed, I looked out the window of the dormitory, and saw Fawkes the school's majestic phoenix (it became Professor McGonagal's after Dumbledore died), soaring out over the Hogwarts Lake. I watched the sun set with satisfaction of a ay well spent.
But I guess every day at Hogwarts is a day well spent.
Hermione Ginevra-Ronalda Potter

I would like to announce Hermione's Diary Story Contest! If you wish to enter simply write a 'diary entry' or a short story about a day you spent at Hogwarts! I shall choose the winner (s) in two weeks time. GOOD LUCK!

Monday 30 January 2012

Working on a Post....

Hello my wonderful readers and followers, both Muggle and Wizard!
Sorry for the long delay in posting, I'm currently working on a quite long one at the moment though! You would not BELIEVE the amount of homework the Hogwarts professors have given us!:

  • A foot long about the History of the Moon in Magical Workings from Professor Sinstra (the Astronomy professor)
  • A report on the 1687 Goblin Rebellion of Czechoslovakia from Professor Binns (our ghost professor of History of Magic)
  • A 6 inches essay about how to properly create an antidote to Newt Fungus (kind of the Muggle Athletes Foot.) from Professor Slughorn (the Potions Master)
  • We have to keep a Bowtrukle (Wand Tree Guardian) alive for three weeks, from Hagrid, the Care and Keeping of Magical Creatures teacher.
  • We have to practice turning tea cups into daisies, from Professor McGonagall (the Transfiguration professor)
  • We must practice various jinxes that can be used to ward off Gnomes from Professor Munitio (her last name oddly enough means Defense in Latin!) the Defense Against The Dark Arts professor.
  • A stupid dream diary for Divination (Last night I dreamt about eating a popsicle and according to Professor Trelaweny that means that both my legs will be broken by Friday! Fat chance)
  • Continue working on improving this blog for Muggle use for Professor Ogblana's Muggle Studies class.
  • ANNND we've got a foot long essay about the safe use of fire starting spells for Professor Flitwick's Charms lesson tomorrow!!
So as you can see I've been rather busy, but the new post WILL be here by Thursday!!
Thanks for sticking with this blog!

Saturday 21 January 2012

Nice Saying I Found

I found this on a YouTube comment for Hedwig's Theme song (the Theme song the movies the Muggles made about my dad's life.), its really nice....

We found the Scorcer's Stone,
We entered The Chamber Of Secrets,
We freed The Prisoner Of Azkaban,
We were chosen by The Goblet Of Fire,
We united The Order Of The Pheonix,
We read the secrets of The Half Blood Prince,
We mastered The Deathly Hallows,
We are the Harry Potter Generation
When things look dark,
you can't give up,
No matter what